Pretty's Kitchen Recipe Book

Pretty's Kitchen Recipe Book

Classic Durian Planta Cake

Craving for one of my signature cake, "Classic Durian Planta Cake", using fresh mashed 'durian' pulp for the main ingredient. It's about 20 years ago when I first tasted durian cake and I thought, why not create my own recipe. So here's my soft and fluffy durian cake.

A simple cake and yet tasted heavenly, try this recipe out. You can use either margarine or butter and if you like to have a heavy flavor of durian, just add a little more durian pulp (but not too much).

 Making of my "Classic Durian Planta Cake" !
So, here it goes :  

Ingredients :-
250 gm Planta margarine
250 gm flour           
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt (sifted)
230 gm sugar
100 gm durian pulp
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
5 eggs (separated)

1) Beat sugar and margarine until pale in colour.
2) Add in egg yolk one at a time.
3) Follow by the durian pulp and beat till creamy, slowly fold in the sifted ingredients.
4) Blend in the vanilla essence, set aside.
5) Beat up the egg white till soft peaks and gradually blend in well into the durian mixture.
6) Pour into a 9" lined and greased round baking pan.
7) Bake in a preheated oven at 170'-172' till cooked, for 45-50 mins.(individual oven adjust to your own baking temperature).
8) Turn out onto a wire tray to cool.

***Happy baking with Joy & Love !!!***


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