Pretty's Kitchen Recipe Book

Pretty's Kitchen Recipe Book

Red Glutinous Rice Wine / Ang Chew

Most popular Foochow (Hock Chew) Red Glutinous Rice Wine! Homemade famously known as "Ang Chew" in Chinese Hock Chew community. Main famously dish is the "Ang Chew Mee Suah" !

Note : Before making, the previous nite, wash all the utensils,dry it.(not even a drip of water). Get ready a empty big jar with cover ( cleaned n dry). Cook 1 kg glutinous rice in a rice cooker.Just like cooking white rice. After cooked, spread it out on a tray to cool off over nite.

Here's the recipe,

Ingredients :-
1 kg glutinous rice
100 gm red rice crust
1 piece wine biscuit [dry under sun for a day ( no washing require)]

Method :-
1) Blender the dried ingredients, red crust and the wine biscuit separately.

To assemble into the jar :
1) Spread a layer of cooked glutinous rice at the bottom of the jar,top with a layer of red crust then sprinkle some fine wine biscuit on top. Repeat with all the remaining ingredients till finish up.
2) Cling wrap the mouth of the jar, cover the lid, place in the coolest part of the house.
3) In between the one month, open it and stir the mixture 3-4 times, mix them well. Slowly change into more liquid form.
4) When its mature, scoop it up into a muslin bag and squeeze out the red wine as my pictures illustrated.
5) Store the wine in bottles (clean & dry),refrigerate them for better storage.

*** Remind again,all handlings must be free of water !!!
 Left over residue known as Ang Chow, blender till fine & keep in airtight container. Can use for many types of cooking .

Your house ( on the floor) Let it ferment for at least a month.

                          ***Happy cooking with Joy!!***



  1. May I know how long the home-made wine can be kept without putting in the fridge. I still have bottles of wine without the red rice crust, made by my late mother few years ago. The wine has turned dark in colour.


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