Pretty's Kitchen Recipe Book

Pretty's Kitchen Recipe Book

Sardine Puffs

Sardine Puffs !!! Making puff pastry is very time consuming but worth the effort. It can be used for sweet and savory fillings.
For this, I used pastry margarine  instead of butter, for easier handling.
Crimping along the edges with a fork,to prevent filings oozing out  and layers flaking.

 Here's the recipe :-

Ingredients for pastry (A) :400 gm flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg
70 gm margarine
150 gm water

Ingredients for filling (B) :
1 tin sardine ( mashed sardines)
some chopped small onions
some chopped chilly padi
salt & pepper to taste
lime juice

300 gm pastry margarine

1 egg for brushing

Method :-
1) Knead ingredients (A) thoroughly, cover with a cloth and let it rest for 10 mins.
2) Transfer the pastry to a floured table top, flatten it using a roller pin, apply the pastry margarine(C) onto it about 2/3 of the pastry. Fold 2 sides overlapping each other.Flatten it again and fold, repeat 3 times .
3) Flatten it again, cut into rectangular shape and insert fillings (B), Cover and fold to seal the puffs,(wet the edges with egg wash)
4) Using a fork, crimp the edges. Egg wash the puffs and bake at 200'c for 20 mins.
5) Method for the fillings (B) :
 i) Placed the mashed sardines into a deep bowl, mix in the chopped small onions and chilly padi. To taste add in the salt & pepper, squeeze in the lime juice and mix thoroughly. Ready to use as filling .

* Folding pastry, make sure you dust your table top well or u may use 2 pieces of plastic in between for rolling.

*** Happy baking with Joy & Love!!***


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