Pretty's Kitchen Recipe Book

Pretty's Kitchen Recipe Book

Braised Spare-Ribs with Red Dates

Braised Spare-ribs with red dates.

Here's the recipe,

1 kg spare-ribs (marinated with salt, light soya sauce, pepper powder & sugar)
10 big red dates (snipped)
3 tbsp shredded Bentong ginger
1 big onion (wedges)
sesame oil ( 4-5 tbsp)
3 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp light soya sauce
1 big tbsp caramel soya sauce
some cornstarch
salt, sugar, pepper powder
a dash of 'shiao xing' wine

1) Marinate the meat for at least 1 hour.
2) Heat up a wok, pour in the sesame oil and saute the ginger till aroma. Then add in the big onion and continue stirring till fragrant.
3) At tis stage pour in the seasoned spare-ribs and red dates, fry till the meat turned pale color.
4) Add in the sauces and seasoning and stirred the mixture till incorporated well.
5) Followed by 1/2 bowl of hot water and simmered till the meat is tender .
6) Thickened the braised gravy with cornstarch and let it simmered for a while (3 mins) , off the fire/heat.
7) Dish out and served with white rice.

* Prefer the caramel soya sauce to dark ones, color turned out beautifully.

***Happy cooking with Joy & Love!!***


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