Pretty's Kitchen Recipe Book

Pretty's Kitchen Recipe Book

Mocha Swirl Pullman Loaf

One of my signature bread,

Mocha Swirl Pullman Loaf

Very popular among my family and friends for its fragrance, pillowy soft and fluffy texture.

    Whenever i make soft bread, i'll usually add in overnight starter dough or some called it 'Motherdough'. It helps the bread stay soft and fresh for days.

     I'll have been baking homemade bread for many many years. Basically, about 2 years ago, I had published my first book named Handmade Healthy Breads. All about homemade bread.
I have decided to make step by step video on how to make this wonderful bread. With full recipe given and video as a guide, there would be no problem at all for you to bake a loaf for loved ones and friends.

Ingredients A:
500g Bread flour 
 9g Sea salt
5g Instant yeast
80g Castor sugar

Ingredients B:
160g Water
60g   Milk

Ingredients C:
13g Cocoa powder
1/4tsp Instant coffee
2tbsp  Hot water
*Mix into smooth paste

50g Butter (RT)
100g Yeasted starter dough
1 Egg
Pullman Loaf Pan : 30.5cm x 11cm x 11.5cm (Greased)

  1. Mix (A), (B), add in egg and yeasted starter dough.
  2. Knead to a smooth dough, drop in butter. Continue to knead until window pane stage.
  3. Divide into 2 portions, one plain and the other one, mix with (C).
  4. Place in separate bowl to rest for 1 hour.
  5. Roll out each dough into rectangular shape, place the mocha dough on top of the plain one to overlap.
  6. Roll up like 'Swiss-roll', pinch the seam and secure tightly.
  7. Place in Pullman loaf pan to proof for 1 hour.
  8. Bake at 170०c for 40-45minits in preheated oven.
  9. Remove bread and cool on wire rack.


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