Pretty's Kitchen Recipe Book

Pretty's Kitchen Recipe Book

Fuzhou porridge [福州孝九粥]

Every year this time, 29th day of the first month lunar calender, Hockchiew lang will served This special sweet blessing porridge to their elderly parents and beloved family.

Only recently I come to know the actual name of this Fuzhou porridge in Chinese, “ 福州孝九粥 “。 It's my family favorite and I cooked this quite often as sweet dessert. Yummy ! Have you ever tasted this yet?
Here's the recipe :-

Ingredients :
3/4 cup of glutinous rice
1/4 cup of fragrance rice
300 gm groundnut (soaked to peel off the skin)
1 bowl of red dates (seeds removed)
1/2 bowl of dried longan flesh
1/2 bowl of yellow & black raisins (preferably sweet)
3 pandan leaves (tie a knot)
sugar to taste

Method :-
1) Place peeled groundnuts in a pressure cooker and cooked for half an hour until soft. Set aside.
2) Cook the rice in about 1/2 pot of water, pandan leaves and add in the red dates to simmer until rice is soft .
3) When the rice is cooked pour in the softened groundnuts, dried longan flesh and raisins. Give a few boils.
4) Scoop in sugar to your taste and stir gradually.
5) Serve hot or cold as dessert.

*** Happy cooking with Love & Joy !!!***


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